Many men dream of enlarging their penis and there is nothing wrong with that. After all, everyone would like to look worthy in the eyes of his girlfriend. Today there are several methods of penis enlargement. Quite often, a special massage is performed to increase the penis.
It is possible to enlarge a penis with a massage
Some people do not know if it is possible to extend the penis with massage. It is certainly possible, and to be convinced of it you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation. It is no secret that the penis has two main muscles with many cavities. At the moment of sexual arousal, all cavities begin to fill with blood and this leads to an erection.

Penis enlargement massage allows you to increase all cavities in the muscles. Due to this, the tissues will gradually begin to stretch, which will lead to a thickening and elongation of the penis.
How to enlarge a penis with a massage
This procedure is carried out in several successive stages, which must be familiarized.
Before the massage, it is necessary to prepare the sexual organ. Many men do this by preheating. There are several common heating methods. Most often, a simple container with heated water is used for this. To heat the penis with this method, you need to add a few liters of water to the pan and heat it. When the liquid heats up, the penis is lowered for 10-15 minutes. It is very important that the water is not very hot and does not burn the skin of the penis.

Some guys warm the phallus with a small soaked towel. To do this, it is necessary to immerse it in a pot of boiled water. Then the member is tied with a wet towel, which can be removed after 10 minutes. Using a wet towel will make the skin more supple and flexible.
The third most popular method of warming manhood is the use of rice. It will need to be poured into a dry pan and warmed up. Then the rice is poured into a cloth bag and applied to the penis. It will be possible to remove it only after half an hour.
After warming up, you need to perform a warm up, during which you can use the following techniques:
- Lubricant application. The penis is lubricated with a small amount of lubricant. At the same time, it should be applied with light circular movements from the base of the organ. The procedure is carried out for 5 minutes, after which it can be repeated.
- Shredding. The sexual organ is weakly grasped by the hand. So, with the help of him, you need to lightly knead the skin. This exercise makes the skin of the body more elastic.
- Shake. This exercise is the simplest. To perform it, you just have to take the penis in your hand and shake it from side to side for several minutes. With the help of such shaking, you can not only activate blood flow, but also get rid of strong nervous tension.
One of the most popular types of massage is jelqing. With this exercise, you can triple the blood flow to the penis and activate tissue growth. The first results of jelqing can be seen 3-4 months after starting the exercises.
There are two types of jelqing most commonly used for penis growth:
- Wet. This exercise is performed only after the preliminary warm-up of the penis. To perform a massage, a warming cream or lubricant is applied to a dry penis. Then with any hand you need to squeeze the genitals. To do this, near its base, the index and thumb will need to be connected to form a ring. Then, with sliding movements from the base, a massage is performed. During exercise, it is necessary to monitor the erection. The procedure is terminated if the member is in an excited state.
- Dry. In this case, there is no need to use a lubricant or cream. During the exercise, you need to fully grasp the penis with the palm of your hand. Then a head-to-base massage is performed.

Use of the pump
To perform a vacuum massage, you will need to use a special vacuum pump. This device is specially designed to increase the male genital organ and treat potency.
The vacuum massage is performed very simply. To do this, the penis will need to be inserted into a cylinder connected to a special pump with air. A vacuum is created inside the cylinder which favorably affects blood circulation. Vacuum massage is performed for no more than 20 minutes, so as not to accidentally damage the fabric. It is recommended to use the vacuum pump only before sexual intercourse, because after a few hours the penis will return to its normal size.

Grab and stretch
This penis enlargement massage is popular with guys. When performing this exercise, penis enlargement is achieved by increasing the tension of the cavernous bodies, which will lead to an increase in the volume of the organ.
Before massaging a member, it must be lubricated with a special gel, cream or lubricant.
During the application of the lubricant, the penis is wrapped at the base in a small ring created by the thumb and forefinger.
During the massage, a ring created by the fingers moves to the tip of the penis. In this case, each time the capture should be amplified to improve blood flow. First, the procedure is carried out for 10 minutes at an average speed. Then the speed of the movements gradually increases. The accelerated massage is carried out for at least 15 minutes. When the massage is completely finished, the penis is grasped at the base and held for several minutes. It is necessary to carefully grasp the penis so that there is no pain. If at the time of the exercise there is discomfort, then it is better to start it again.

Regular gripping and stretching will allow you to lengthen your penis by 2-4cm in 4-5 months.
Many men want to increase their dignity. However, not everyone knows how to do this. To get an enlarged penis size, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the features of penis enlargement massage.